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International Series - New Zealand Home Cooking by Bonnie 紐西蘭私房菜

The "International Series" is a little project I first started with my housemates, who come from different parts of the world, we would all cook a local dish from our home country and share with each other. From Germany, Colombia to Iran, we learn so much more about each other's culture and history just from the food we eat. I therefore came up with the idea of learning a local recipe from each of my international friends who now lives here in Australia. My first visit is to my dear friend Bonnie who comes from our neighbour country -

New Zealand.

Golden Kumara and Corn Fritters with Balsamic Tomatoes



1 Egg 雞蛋 1隻

1 tsp Baking powder 泡打粉 1茶匙

½ tsp Turmeric 薑黃 ½茶匙

½ cup Flour 麵粉 ½杯

1 can Corn kernels, drained 栗米粒 1罐

2 cups Kumara(Sweet Potato), grated 甜蕃薯,磨成幼絲 2杯

¼ cup oil 油 ¼杯

12 Vine ripened tomatoes, small, halved 蕃茄,切半

1 tbsp Brown sugar 紅糖 1湯匙

¼ cup Balsamic vinegar 意大利香醋 ¼杯

50g Feta 菲達芝士 50克


  1. In a medium bowl, lightly whisk the egg, then add salt and pepper, flour, baking powder, corn and sweet potato. Mix together.

  2. Heat a medium frying pan and add 2-3 tbs of oil. Add large tbsp of the mixture to the pan and flatten out with the back of the spoon. Leave to cook for 2-3 minutes. Turn until both sides are golden. Continue with remaining oil and mixture. Keep warm.

  3. In a separate pan, heat 2 tbsp of oil and fry tomatoes halves until they are softened. Sprinkle over sugar and the balsamic vinegar and let caramelise.

  4. Arrange plates with corn fritters and top with tomatoes. Sprinkle over crumbled feta and garnish with fresh basil.


  1. 將蛋、麵粉、泡打粉、鹽和胡椒、栗米和甜蕃薯幼絲攪拌均勻。

  2. 用中火燒熱鍋,加2-3湯匙油。放入一大湯匙的薯餅混合物於鍋中,並用匙羹的背面將它壓平,煮2-3分鐘, 反轉再煎直到兩邊都是金黃色。 盛起備用。

  3. 用中火燒熱另一個鍋,加少許油,將番茄煎至軟化,撒上糖和香醋煮至焦糖化。

  4. 將薯餅上碟,伴上番茄,灑上菲達芝士碎,並以鮮羅勒裝飾。

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